What are the products rapidly to increase sexual potency in men

In this article we will see what are the most effective products to increase potency in men at a young age, and the elderly.



Beneficial properties:

  • Helps men the more long not to come during intimacy;
  • Increases the level of testosterone in the body;
  • Prevents the risk of diseases of the prostate;
  • Increases the attraction towards the opposite sex.

Often try to eat oysters in the food, if you do not suffer from diabetes or gastritis.


  • Mackerel – boiled mackerel is able to awaken the libido and strengthen the power.
  • Fluke – in any form, except for roast, it is beneficial for the man strength.

A lot of seafood, and especially fish is useful for the exploit to bed, try to choose the fish of the sea, and not of the river.

Turnip greens


  1. Amino acids;
  2. The seeds, increase the libido and increase the potential of a long night of love.

Thanks to its properties, the turnip, and is entered in the list of products, which are useful to increase potency in men, in addition to this, it is sold in any vegetable market.

Oranges and lemons

  • Citrus fruits contain a substance called lutein, which promotes the production of testosterone in the body.
  • Solicit the sexual desire of a woman.

Camel stomach


Take his food shortly before intimacy, and the result is guaranteed. Among the shortcomings we can highlight that its difficult to find on sale.


  • Has no properties or negative side effects;
  • Giving the right exposure even in the smallest doses;
  • Increases the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • Increases the power.


The benefits of mussels:

  1. Increases the amount of male semen in the body;
  2. Promote the production of male hormones in the body;
  3. Contains zinc, which is useful to all men, the property of a person.

This is only a small part of a list of products, rapidly increase the testosterone and potency in men. We go forward.

Fruits of the sea

  • Shrimp;
  • Cancers;
  • Breeds;
  • Shark;
  • Squid.

All these fruits of the sea, improves male strength, and endurance in bed with the women, as they contain selenium and zinc, but also increase the production of semen in the body.

Quail eggs

The advantages of quail eggs:

  • In part, there are the phosphorus and amino acids, useful;
  • Promote the attraction towards the women libido;
  • To increase the power.

Eating can be in any form – in the shape of an omelette and raw. This is why they are included in the list of products, instantly increasing the power and the erectile function of men.


That give the bananas:

  1. Have a positive effect on the duration and rigidity of erection;
  2. Increase the capacity of control of the situation in the bed;
  3. Increase reproductive capacity of the body.


citrus fruits
  • The honey;
  • Pollen.


  • Contain glucose, protein and fructose;
  • To promote the production of testosterone;
  • Stimulate the blood circulation, including in the groin area.

From all this it can make a obvious conclusion, that all of the products beekeeping not for nothing taking its place in the list of products, increase the power and testosterone in men.


  1. As part of a special substance, the stimulation of man, causes a sense of love.
  2. It improves the circulation of blood.
  3. It encourages the production of testosterone.

It is recommended to consume dark chocolate, as it is more useful, even if less tasty milk, or white.


  • Dilates blood vessels, which leads to better erections;
  • Contains many amino acids;
  • Prevents the development of tumors;
  • Reduces the risk of development of diseases of the sexual, including the male menopause.


  1. Regulates the secretion of male hormones;
  2. Folic acid is useful as a catalyst for the male libido.
  3. The avocado is one of the best foods for instant increase potency in men.


  • Increases the blood flow in sexual organ;
  • It dilates the blood vessels;
  • Prevents cancer of the prostate;
  • The effect manifests itself after a daily cup of pomegranate juice for a month.

The berries

  1. Raspberry – increases the duration of sexual intercourse, often used in the treatment of male infertility;
  2. Blueberries – improves sexual desire toward the opposite sex, accelerates the appearance of erection.

The meat-based dishes

  1. The flesh of a horse;
  2. Turkey;
  3. Chicken;
  4. Beef;
  5. The meat of a rabbit;
  6. Bullish eggs.

Virtually any meat in itself contains a large amount of protein, and, in addition, it increases the level of arousal of a man.

We recommend the video on the best products for the power gain.

Pumpkin seeds

  • Contain a lot of zinc, increasing the reproductive potential;
  • Improves hormonal balance;
  • To promote the production of testosterone.

Dried dates

  • Extend a closeness of intimacy with the other sex;
  • Increase the opportunities of dignity, a man's bed.

We recommend to familiarize with article on folk remedies to the power.

Fresh fruit juices

  • The pomegranate juice – it improves the circulation of the blood;
  • Pumpkin juice – contains zinc, which is useful for the genital function;
  • The juice of celery – increases the production of testosterone.

Juice of the above fruit juice is more useful, but in general, you can drink the juice of the fruit, all will be useful for the health. Try drinking fresh fruit juice every day, for 1 cup, then the result feels quite quickly. This will be useful for the health of the body, including to the genital function. Fruit juice worthy occupies a leading position in the list of products, useful for enhancing male potency and erectile function.


The kumis

  1. Strengthens the immune system, improves the mens body's functions;
  2. Improves erection;
  3. Increases the power of the reproductive function.

It is not recommended for use in people who suffer from diseases of the stomach or intestines.


  • Cedar;
  • Nuts;
  • Peanuts;

Beneficial properties:

  • Accelerates the appearance of erection;
  • Improves the function of the male (to learn more about this in an article on the treatment of erectile dysfunction);
  • Extends operation of the penis.

You can mix the walnuts with the honey, this will be very useful, and delicious food.


  1. The ricotta;
  2. Yogurt;
  3. Sour cream;
  4. Yogurt;
  5. Milk.

Beneficial properties:

  • These dairy products stimulate the production of semen in the body;
  • Stimulate the germinal capacity;
  • To increase the duration of the sexual act (for more details, read the article on the topic why is the man right now).


  • Parsley;
  • Dill;
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • The spinach;
  • The celery.

Add to food as a condiment, or eat in a salad.


  1. It has aphrodisiac properties;
  2. Improves the reproductive function;
  3. Stimulates the blood circulation in the pelvic area and groin.


  • Contains magnesium;
  • Prevents infertility;
  • It improves the circulation of blood throughout the body.

Useful also squeezed the juice of the grape. All of the products from grapes are really good products, to rapidly increase the male potency, erectile function and libido without any drugs.


  • Beet;
  • The tomatoes;
  • Carrots;
  • Cabbage;
  • The onion;
  • The garlic.

Beneficial properties:

  1. Normalize the hormonal levels of the body;
  2. Strengthen the libido.

The vegetables can be cooked, adding other dishes and salads, or there are raw.

Harmful products

  1. Alcohol;
  2. Beer;
  3. Coffee;
  4. Of energy;
  5. Sugar;
  6. Salt;
  7. Coriander;
  8. Fried foods;
  9. Of energy;
  10. Fast food;
  11. Soy;
  12. Smoked food;
  13. Sharp products;
  14. White bread;
  15. Mayonnaise;
  16. Sprat;
  17. Margarine.

This is all, now you know what are the products, increase the power over the men in the house. Especially in this case – patience, if the first attempt does not work, try it again and again! We wish you good luck!